Tracking Who Fills Your Form, Registers or Checkouts via UTM

Are you running a campaign and want to know who came from which campaign? It is SUPER simple with the utm_source property. 

What is the idea?

When creating your URLs in your Google/Facebook ads, for example, add at the end: 


Indicating in this example that it is our first ad on Facebook (of course, you can add better names).

How to track when someone registers or fills a form/checkout?

Go to your Contacts section (the CRM) -> Properties and create a property called utm_source. We will define it as a property so we can see it for every user that comes (create it as a TEXT input).

Now, all we have to do is add this property to our forms. Go in the form fields, or the additional fields if it is a checkout or registration, and add a Hidden Field with the name utm_source.

Then, go in the settings of your field and map that field from the dropdown to the utm_source we just created in the Contacts as a property.

That’s all! Now, when someone submits your forms and has the utm_source as a URL from which they came from, the value of the source will be recorded for the user, and you will know where they came from.

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